

Mold is a common problem in many homes, and the appearance of mold could mean many things. 通过立即识别霉菌, it will be easier to reduce the risk of dangers mold can cause and clean it up safely and effectively.


There are many types of mold that can appear in a house, 取决于房子的年龄, 条件, 湿度, 表面区域, 还有当地的气候. 在许多家庭中常见的霉菌包括:

  • 链格孢属
  • 曲霉属真菌
  • Aureobasidium
  • 毛壳菌属
  • 枝孢属
  • 镰刀菌素
  • 木霉属
  • Ulocladium

Identifying the exact type of mold in your home can be difficult. 许多模具看起来很相似, 尤其是虫害不严重的时候, and different molds can also have different appearances depending on where they appear, 它们在吃什么, and how they interact with household surfaces or environmental 条件s. Expert analysis may be necessary to identify exactly which mold you may have in your home, 但幸运的是, the treatment and cleanup options for most household molds are very similar and exact identification isn’t always essential for minor mold problems.


It is a persistent but incorrect belief that mold only appears in older, rundown houses. In fact, mold can be present in homes of any age and any 条件. 最常, mold is found in attics and 地下室s where 湿度 are typically higher, but mold can also appear anywhere moisture collects, 包括水槽里的死水, 淋浴或浴缸排水管, 或者靠近有水汽凝结的管道. 其他经常长霉的地方包括:

  • Inside ventilation systems and on air returns and vents
  • 木质家具或任何木质表面
  • 墙内或地板下
  • 在黑暗的地方,包括壁橱和橱柜
  • 沿着窗户的边缘
  • 在地毯、室内装潢或任何织物表面

Mold spores are tiny and can be carried by shoes, purses, backpacks, clothing, or even hair or skin. 正因为如此, 霉菌可以通过许多不同的载体进入家中, 这并不总是由于水的破坏, 不受控制的湿度, 或者未被发现的泄漏.


大多数家用霉菌不会造成严重的问题, 但如果不及时治疗, the risks of mold will grow just as the spores multiply. 最终, a bad mold infestation can not only damage property by staining surfaces and weakening structures, but it can also lead to breathing and other respiration problems, 发炎过敏, 或者鼻窦感染. Individuals with asthma are particularly at risk for health-related mold sensitivities, and mold can also cause irritation to the skin and eyes.

While mold is natural and nearly every homeowner will have to deal with mold at some point, severe mold infestations can indicate more concerning issues. Repetitive mold problems may indicate leaks in plumbing or seal failures around bathroom fixtures, 厨房电器, 热水器, 或者洗衣机, or mold might indicate a weakness in a house’s foundation or poor landscape drainage. Musty odors and mold could show breaches in a ventilation system, or could indicate even roof leaks. 如果无人看管, these problems can quickly grow into major headaches and could require extensive repairs and remediation.


Fortunately, most household mold can be easy to clean up if it is attended to right away. 第一个, 如果可能,确定模具的来源, 是否为缓慢泄漏, 静水, 或者规律凝结. Taking steps to prevent that water from returning is essential to ridding the area of mold and keeping it from coming back. 清理霉菌……

  • 保护眼睛, 鼻子, 口, and skin with appropriate goggles and masks to avoid breathing in any spores or becoming contaminated with mold, 尤其是当你有呼吸困难的时候.
  • Remove and discard any heavily contaminated or hard-to-clean surfaces, such as drywall that has already softened or rugs with a heavy musty odor or mold staining.
  • Use a strong bleach solution to wipe down all surfaces where mold has been seen, and clean adjacent surfaces as well to catch any stray spores that could recontaminate the area.
  • 让该区域彻底干燥, using extra fans to provide adequate ventilation to ensure surfaces are completely dry.
  • Use mold and mildew prevention sprays regularly to prevent additional mold from taking hold in the same area.

If the mold infestation is extensive or beyond your ability to safely clean, contact a mold remediation company for professional assistance to alleviate the problem and keep the mold from recurring.


Preventing mold can be much easier than removing it. 而霉菌是天然的,可以在任何地方找到, taking certain easy steps can minimize the risk of having a severe mold infestation in your home.

  • Remove indoor sources of 静水 by fixing all leaky faucets and drips, and ensuring showers and tubs drain quickly and efficiently.
  • 安装更强, 在厨房和浴室安装更高效的通风机, and use them frequently to keep moisture from accumulating.
  • Consider using a home dehumidifier to control high humidity levels, or use ceiling fans or the automatic fan on central air 条件ing to keep air circulating.
  • Use good quality filters for a furnace or air 条件er, and clean or replace the filters regularly so they can scrub the air more efficiently.
  • Regularly clean your air 条件er’s drip pan with a strong bleach solution to keep any mold from taking hold on the surface.
  • 确保阁楼, 地下室, and any crawlspaces have adequate ventilation to promote good air circulation.
  • Clean the air duct system in your home and keep vents clear from obstructions. 必要时清洗排气口盖.
  • Dust and vacuum regularly to remove the dirt and debris that feeds mold, 包括掸掸室内装饰, 窗帘, 和其他织物表面.
  • Consider mold-inhibiting paint in rooms with high humidity or where mold is likely to be present, 比如浴室和洗衣房.

家居霉并不一定是可怕的, and while severe mold infestations can be challenging, there are steps every homeowner can take to remove and prevent mold with ease.