

剥落 concrete is more than just an unsightly surface, it can cause real problems for any concrete structure. 幸运的是, spalling can be easy to fix without the need to completely replace all the affected concrete.


剥落, 也叫缩放, occurs when excess water intrudes in the concrete’s structure, creating stresses that eventually cause flaking, 剥, 或点蚀. In extreme cases, even deeper chunks of concrete may pop off. The excess water may get in the concrete through cracks, or the concrete could have been improperly mixed when it was laid. Improper curing or poor hardening can also increase spalling, as can the use of deicing chemicals or salts on concrete. 剥落 is particularly common and widespread in areas with extreme freezing and thawing cycles, when water expansion in the concrete will multiply the pressure and force to expel the spalls.

剥落 is a common problem anywhere concrete is laid. 它经常出现在院子里, 车道, 路径, 和人行道, but can also be found in wet basements and garage floors, as well as on pool decks or next to water features. 剥落 can even happen on concrete walls, pillars, and other structures.


A few small flakes loosened from a large concrete surface may not seem like much of a problem, 但一旦开始剥落, it is even easier for more 水分 to enter the concrete and the spalling will spread. While surface spalling is only an aesthetic problem that damages visual beauty and curb appeal, deeper spalling weakens the concrete’s foundation and can cause structural problems. Weakened concrete is more susceptible to cracks and crumbling, and vertical structures such as walls or columns may entirely collapse if spalling becomes severe.


There are several ways to fix spalling concrete. 首先,确定问题的严重程度. If the spalls penetrate less than one-third of the depth of the concrete, 补丁或修复可以纠正问题. 如果有较深的碎片或凹坑, 然而, it may be best to completely remove the concrete and pour a new foundation.

If repairs are possible, the entire spalling area can be resurfaced with a half-inch overlay. This is best for large areas with extensive spalling, and will rejuvenate the concrete to a like-new appearance. Smaller areas with just a few spalls can be patched without resurfacing the entire area, 虽然这些补丁可能更明显.

For the best repairs on either large areas or smaller patches…

  • Power wash the area to be repaired well, removing all debris, grease, and other loose material. This will help ensure the best bond between the overlay or patch and the existing concrete.
  • Use the appropriate resurfacing mix or concrete patch compound that matches the existing concrete. This will provide the strongest results and longest lasting repairs.
  • Follow all instructions for the mix or patch, including working in appropriate climate conditions (temperature, 水分, 等.),以使化合物正确地建立起来.
  • Prefill any deep pits or large spalled areas first, so it will be easier to level the entire repaired area smoothly and uniformly.
  • Extend any patches at least 4-6 inches beyond the damaged area to ensure a tight bond and full coverage of the spalled area as the new concrete dries and shrinks.
  • Level the repaired area well, and allow it to cure and harden completely before resuming use. This could take several days, depending on the material used and the climate conditions.

Small spalls could be repaired in a matter of hours, while larger areas may take several days to completely repair. 对工作要有耐心, as ample curing and hardening time is essential to ensure a good repair that will last for years.


It can be difficult to completely prevent spalling, particularly in areas that are subject to harsh winters. 你可以采取一些措施, 然而, to minimize spalling and keep your concrete looking its best for years.

  • Consider professional concrete installation for large or very visible surfaces where spalling is a greater risk.
  • Ensure the concrete has adequate control joints in its structure so cracks can be controlled and spalling will be more difficult to start.
  • Apply sealant to keep water from entering the concrete, and reapply the sealant as often as needed (every few years, (甚至每年)来保持它的有效性.
  • Minimize or avoid the use of deicing salts and chemical compounds on the concrete, which can disrupt seals and accelerate spalling.
  • Ensure proper drainage around the concrete so water is not pooling on the surface or next to the edge, which could saturate the concrete so it will more easily spall.
  • Adjust sprinklers to avoid spraying the concrete and saturating it with too much water.

All concrete can develop cracks and some spalling is inevitable, particularly in colder climates and as concrete ages. With proper installation and conscientious care, 然而, you can protect your concrete and keep it looking like new for many years.